I was reading through this site, and after reading Case Study Psychopathic Spin, I have to say something here.
The police have a law that they can’t tell you when someone is making up lies about you. You can’t know what they say unless you know about it in the first place. They get around that by telling you you need an attorney or a subpoena to get the records.
For me, I had no idea for almost three years of the smear campaign. The police were helping him
He would wait for me to go to church in the morning and when I was gone with our daughter he would call and say I was missing and stayed out all night long. Then the police would add worse and say that I stayed out all night long every weekend. You know I have not Stayed out overnight anywhere with her alone ever. That is the crazy part.
The lies were just insane absolutely insane. The goal was him trying to get me committed or arrested and to take my child from me.
That is the scary thing is we are now hiring psychopaths to be our police officers. In my county, the murder rate of family murders is higher than any other murders. This is Fairfax County in northern Virginia.
In July if 2015 my two psychopathic parents came to see me for the first time in about ten years. They tried killing me with an overdose and tried to make it look like a suicide attempt. I didn’t die soon enough for them they waited hours and till the next day to say to my husband what should we do? He said I guess get her some help. They Called 911 and the police lied for them … the cops knew she lied and Fairfax county helped both my parents get Away so far at least with attempted homicide by making the report make it look like I was fine when they left.
What actually was real is I knew it was murder and was trying to say my mom did it – my mom did it! The words weren’t clear but they might have realized – wow – we have been helping this lady and she just tried killing her. We can’t get in trouble, let’s lie and say she was sitting up chatting away able to walk, etc.. I couldn’t say a sentence for over three days because I was in a Coma in the ICU. I wasn’t able to walk until about eight days without being held up. So yeah they lied a lot.
When we hire police that are psychopaths too, they will help the murderers get away with it.
If I would have died what is so sad is that my little girl would have thought I left her alone and Pat and Brian would have laughed about it that they got away with murder.
Since I didn’t die, let me tell you this: it isn’t over, not by a long shot.
We are now hiring psychopaths to be our police officers.