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Why Me?

The first question you ask when you’ve been victimized by a psychopath is, “Why me?”

Every victim wants to know why they got singled out, and targeted to be the victim in this scenario?

In my practice, when someone comes in who has been a victim, I’m as grateful as possible as this person has been honored with the position of being a psychopath victim. That sounds crazy, but anyone else besides this person could not have survived the attack by that psychopath. This is a very special person. This is somebody who has the wherewithal to make it, because anyone else? They would have taken their own life by now. It’s that serious.

When you’re in the muck and you’re covered in blood, you can’t see it. But you really are blessed by this, and there are so many other people out there who really need to get this information from you, because no matter how much school a person goes to, you cannot make that connection with a patient unless you’ve worn those shoes, and you know what it feels like.

When you tell your story of what happened to you, people are not going to be able to understand what you’re saying, if they don’t know what you’ve been through. It doesn’t make any sense. Nobody’s going to believe it’s true.

Psychopath Identification

First off, it’s a good idea to know if you’re really dealing with a psychopath. Who are they?

There are probably over a hundred attributes of psychopaths and I’ve narrowed it down to these six. If you find these six characteristics in one person, there’s a pretty good chance you’re dealing with a psychopath. And if it’s not a psychopath, it’s still a bad guy. Right? So, we’d take the same steps. No matter what type of toxic individual that might be.

  1. Charismatic

  2. Smart

  3. No Feelings

  4. Impulsive

  5. Winners

  6. Never Wrong

Not all psychopaths are bad. In fact, our government regularly recruits psychopaths to conduct activities and take on jobs that a normal person just could not do, yet these guys have unparalleled expertise in certain areas, where any pf the rest of us would be utterly useless.

It’s crazy, but apparently, we need these guys in our society, our government relies on them heavily.

So, there are places where they could use their powers for good, instead of evil.

Their impulsivity usually leads them down many roads of addiction. The psychopath seeks to get he maximum feeling out of every moment and the ways they get excited are varied, and chemical solutions to heightening awareness, sensitivity, and feelings of exhilaration abound.

There are also natural methods which give a psychopath an exhilarated feeling, such as simply stepping on an ant. They get a little thrill from that, but imagine how they would feel if they could do that to a real live person? Whoa! What a thrill they get, and they do it whenever they can.

Because psychopaths are winners, it’s impossible to negotiate with them. A successful negotiation will result in everyone getting what they want, or at least some concession(s). With these guy’ there’s no give and take, it’s only “winner takes all” and they are going to win no matter what.

If you try to negotiate or bargain with them, they will reach into their bag of dirty tricks and start turning everything you’ve said or done in the past, twist it up enough to be unrecognizable, weaponize it, and deploy it against you if any negotiation gets too resistant to the achievement of their goal(s).

Sometimes, we get one. We put them behind bars for a while. For predatory psychopaths of the criminal persuasion, this is little more than a parking ticket.

I was able to help put Richard behind bars, and to him it was a “no thing.” In fact, he said, “I can do five years on my head in a toilet.” Which is true. He continued to manipulate others and commit crimes outside of prison from within its walls, and worked his own brand of manipulation inside the walls, vacillating between acting as a “legal beagle.”

While there is “honor among thieves,” there is no honor among psychopaths. Inside he also operated as a “snitch,” rolling over on his contemporaries to build his “relationship” with staff. Everyone is a potential victim. He did so, in essence, to convince the warden that he was “one of them.” This earned him regular trips from population to solitary confinement during his stay for purposes of “protection.”

To psychopaths, detentions is like taking a coffee break, as the stigma which applies to you and me, does not apply to them. They do not have that intimidation, and they do not see incarceration as a “bad thing.” It is just an extension of their working environment.

Plus, imprisonment a great investment vehicle for the criminally minded, as they may only pay the price for one crime out of every fifty, they commit. While they are inside, they have full access to the State Law Library, and get to learn all the latest criminal technologies from other criminals while they are in there. It’s like an all-expenses-paid extended stay at a crime training boot camp.

There is no effective punishment for a predatory psychopath. You can (for the most part) separate them from society momentarily and impede their ability to victimize a greater number of individuals, but you cannot punish them or make them feel bad about their misdeeds.

They may, on the other hand, act remorseful and make persuasive appeals to counselors and parole boards, explaining how sorry they are, how they’ve had a change of heart, or found God. They will act very convincingly, even producing tears, willing to say anything if they think it will help sell their case, so they can return to the playground filled with unlimited opportunities for further victimization.

Never Wrong

Just try to correct one of these guys and see what happens. To them, it will always be someone else’s fault and if anyone was victimized, it was the psychopath, of course.

If you even try to assert that you were right about anything, and they were wrong, be forewarned that you will be subjecting yourself to a lengthy, detailed, exhaustive monologue about how incredibly wrong you are.

Let’s say you catch a psychopath in the act, and you try to explain the concept of theft to them. They cannot comprehend your point of view because they see the taking of someone else’s resources as a normal mode of operation. Thieves often explain that the act of thievery is a job. So, if they’ve stolen something, they have received the stolen items in exchange for conducting their work. Stealing is their job and the stolen items, or the money received from them, is their compensation.

“If they gave it to me, freely, and wanted it back? That would be one thing. I’d give it back.” But if they had to work for it, break-in, or otherwise swindle or con someone out of it, it’s rightfully theirs. They worked for it. That’s how they see it.

They don’t get it.