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7 Days Free Background Checks

7 Days Free Background Checks via People Lookup, Background Lookup, Criminal Records Lookup, Social Media Search + more…

eVerify Background Check

eVerify.gifWith eVerify internet criminal background checks, you receive answers to your concerns on a person’s background through the best industry and governmental information directories in existence. eVerify stands apart from competitors; as results are all-inclusive and complete, produced from up-to-date data sources of governmental and private search listings, and are focused on our 4 informative lookup possibilities: people, background, criminal records, and social media which include Criminal Records, Court Records, Arrest Records, Police Records, Sex Offenders, Inmate Records, Birth Records, Death Records, DUI Check, People Search, Genealogy Records, Phone Records, Marriage Records, Divorce Records, Property Records, and Asset Search. Furthermore, you are able to stay up with changes in this info through your membership access to our advanced public record information research system. Begin immediately with just a first name, last name, and state of assumed residence.

There are numerous reasons to do background checks however not all the solutions are reputable. Cautionary Tales – many background check providers on the internet have received bad critiques for negative service to outright ripoffs with almost nothing delivered for the money and unauthorized fees. Many, if not most, are database driven systems vulnerable to error, and if the managers of the company don’t care about consumers, they become a lousy option.

We do not choose to make an effort detailing the features of all the various services until they successfully pass an important test of customer support. Consequently we choose to not fool around with features reviews if the company selling their product and service fails the customer grievances check. Of course, no one will have total customer satisfaction, regardless of what industry you’re in, however, these services come out with good results and a minimum of consumer complaints.

Background checks have gotten as common as contacting references when you hire new people, and doing criminal arrest lookups is very important when you’re thinking about a new childcare professional or tutor, and even a new romance. Engaging in background searches, criminal arrest record lookups, pre-employment and tenant screenings is a strategy to keep you, your family as well as your money and business safer. Likewise, carrying out renter record lookups helps make your task as a property owner a lot easier and safeguards your rentals and . Additional potential benefits to background investigation services include prompt people look ups that give you the contact info you might want for friends, family members or co-workers.

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Psychopaths Using the Internet to Attack Victims

Unfortunately, there are many options available to the psychopath who is focused on the assassination of your character via the Internet. This is commonly referred to as cyberbullying (or a variety of other cyber-related criminal activity), internet fraud, social media harassment, online exploitation or toxic computer stalking by these electronic predators.

New-e-tools-for-predators-psychopaths-and-pedaphiles-Cybercrime-excellerates-exponentiallyBefore the creation of the World Wide Web, it was much more of a challenge to produce propaganda against innocent victims, now it is as easy as filling out a form online, and pressing a submit button… and the results can be devastating to their victims.

Certainly, most people view information on the Internet with a cautious sense of curiosity. As we all know, you can’t believe everything you find in Google. Right? But, the psychopath armed with the intent to do irreparable damage to your reputation can cause so much of a clatter amongst the Internet-savvy to effectively trash you, or even rally an online mob against you.

We’ve seen it all, everything from posting a bunch of lies, half-truths, libel and slanderous reports in a way to make it look, “official,” via personal web sites, blogs, comment postings, and third-party web sites that may appear to be credible, to fraudulently impersonating victims on social media sites, like facebook and twitter and accosting your social media contacts with slanderous reports and/or threats.

Let’s face it, you can create anything you want on the Internet. It is an incredible resource when this power is used for good, but massively more powerful when used as a weapon against an individual; mostly due to the fact that the average web-surfing American loves drama. If they think they can use Google to uncover hidden dirty laundry on you, they will have feel like they’ve hit the mother-lode. And that – no matter how you try to defend yourself – can tarnish your image or reputation forever, because there will always be that seed of doubt amongst the conspiracy theorists.

For instance, let’s simulate a psychopath’s attack on you. In this scenario, let’s say that you maybe testified for the State against a psychopath and that your testimony led to his conviction and imprisonment. This causes the psychopath to focus all his energies on you as the reason that he is now behind bars – not that he committed crimes that landed him there – but you become his fixated target.

He (or she) is hell-bent to take you down, once and for all. You will pay the price for his/her transgressions.

In an attempt to destroy your credibility a psychopath may project his (or her) character attributes onto you in an effort to make him/her out to be the real victim, and possibly that the offender was framed by you, who exchanged your testimony for favors from the Court (or some other conspiracy).

The psychopath will take any known facts about you and turn them into wild stories that would excited the senses of any conspiracy theorist. For example,

 Fact  Psychopath   Spin
 You graduated from   Harvard  you never attended and   your credentials are fake
 You married at an   early age  unwed pregnancy and   illicit drug use forced you to marry
 You bought a new car  because the old car   had DNA evidence of your murder victim
 You own your home  you swindled some   retiree out of their home
 You vacationed in   Vegas  you were laundering   money for the mob
 You were divorced  your spouse left you   for infidelity
 Your children are   adults  they are finally free   from your (possibly sexual) abuse
 Your dog died  you killed your dog   only after torturing it
 Your friends love you  only because they   don’t’ know the truth about you


And so it goes, ad infinitum… Psychopaths are supremely gifted in spinning fantastic stories about their victims in an effort to destroy any sense of credibility that they may have.

Imagine applying for a job, and potential employers find these libelous reports on the Internet. What about getting phone calls from your friends, who tell you that they have received facebook messages, or even phone calls, from (supposed) public agencies investigating you for illicit or illegal activities?

Using the old-fashioned phone – or more correctly the evolutionary cell phone – is still a primary tool for the obsessive psychopath, especially due to new technologies including (but not limited to) “spoofing” caller ID information, so that caller ID enabled phones will see the phone number of the local police department, or FBI office on their call display; this is only one of the many new technological advancements that find themselves in the psychopath’s tool belt.

Who wins?

What can you do?

Avoid any contact with any potential psychopath via early detection. If it’s too late for that, stop any contact with your psychopath immediately and permanently. If you’ve already been targeted by a psychopath, ignore them as much as you can, as any response from you – in your defense or not – will chalk up a perceived “point” for the psycho. This will continue to fuel the fire.

Sometimes, if you are really good at ignoring the psychopath, they take it to the next level by attacking you through your friends, their friends, your associates and/or the media.

Hopefully, you can encourage them to document everything and not to fuel the fire by responding to the psychopath’s assaults in any way, but if they do, it will encourage the psychopath to push that target market even harder.

If you think that prosecution and imprisonment of a psychopath for committing cybercrimes will protect you; think again. We’ve seen these same crimes continue after the offender has been incarcerated via evil minions orchestrated and directed by the offender from behind bars.


Psychopathic Character Assassination

You may be one of the unfortunate ones who were unfortunate to cross roads with a psychopath. If you’re fortunate, you were only temporarily targeted by the psychopath, and were used (possibly abused or picked-clean) then discarded like yesterday’s trash. Psychopaths excel at blending-in with society and they permeate all walks of life. You may encounter them at work, in religious organizations or you may find yourself in an intimate relationship with one.

psychopathic-character-assassinationSome people are lifetime targets of Psychopathic Character Assassination (Psyca) a full-on unbridled attempt by the “Path” (used interchangeably to represent either a psychopath or sociopath) to totally destroy any credibility that the unsuspecting victim may have had.

What makes this victim so special over the other victims, that they are targeted to be the recipients of a possibly life-long dedication to end all normal social interaction or positive human connection with other inhabitants of our planet?

Simply stated, in most cases, victims of Psyca normally self-select by knowing too much about the Path.

Paths routinely maintain at least two separate personas. One, a positive, gregarious, revered personality that is embraced by unsuspecting society, the other is their dark Path self: their evil twin. They may have many other personalities that they dial-in at any particular moment to manipulate their current audience (not to be confused with multi-personality disorder because they change personas at will with the intent to defraud).

It is imperative that the Path keep their dark sides hidden from the general populace. Think about it; if anyone knew who they really were, their lives would crumble. To the Path, protecting the secrecy of their true innate evil is as important to them as anything that provides life or sense of purpose to any other normal human being.

Paths usually launch their Psyca-attacks following a very calculated formula. Even though there is no known, “playbook,” that has been published for the Paths to follow, they all intuitively use the same system to ruin the lives of those who they feel may be a threat to the sacred secrecy of his or her true self. Certainly, making a potential witness appear to be a crazy, mentally disturbed, narcissistic sociopath, psychopath or pathological liar is the logical solution.


Years of research and experience has concluded that usually within the first moments of engaging with a victim who might have access to too much personal information on the Path, they begin to sow the seeds of doubt and lack of trustworthiness behind the victim’s back.

The Path draws in the friends, family co-workers and acquaintances of the victims with his or her personal charm in an effort to build a (false) trust relationship with the fringe audience. This is accomplished with little effort as the Path has innate skills that easily manipulate the perceptions of others endearing them to him or her as they wield their persuasiveness and charm.

The initial impact, though appearing quite harmless and innocuous is commonly cloaked in the appearance of sincere concern for the victim’s well-being and might sound something, like, “I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but have you ever thought that (insert victim’s name) may not be what he (or she) appears to be?” No accusations, no data, reports or inclinations of anything concrete, just tilling the soil and fertilizing it with a little doubt.

All the while, they are increasing their own credibility with someone who may be a family member, friend, co-worker or acquaintance of the intended victim; unaware that they are being groomed as the Path’s minion who will be turned against the victim when the time is right.


Grooming from this point forward will take a secretive slant and will likely be presupposed with something, like, “Don’t tell (insert name), but…” as they actually sow seeds of doubt.

As the relationship between the Path and his minion(s) grows deeper, more and more seeds will be sown in an effort to cast doubt, while the victim is none the wiser.

I’ve always thought it peculiar, that in most cases, these once close associates of the victim rarely, if ever, courteously approach them with the sensitive information with a sincere, “Hey, I was just wondering about (insert reports of lack of sanity, trustworthiness, a secret double-life, illicit drug-use, illegal activities, pathological symptoms, etc…)…” that would definitely be an early indicator that something was up.

In most, if not all, circumstances the victim continues to navigate their life’s journey unaware that the world they once enjoyed is being eroded or destroyed behind their back.

It is common for the Path to project their own psychological attributes onto you. For instance, if they are a closet illicit drug user, then this will be represented as being a problem for you. If he or she is manipulative or controlling, this would be presented as something that you struggle with unbeknownst to others. If they tend to make up elaborate stories, it will be the victim who secretly lives a fantasy-life where nothing is as it seems… on and on and on…

Why? Because no one knows these attributes better than the Path. They are the undeniable expert in these pathologies and they know how critical it is for someone who has them to keep them a secret in an effort to appear to be normal.

In no way am I suggesting that the Path might limit their Psyca-attacks to their own attributes. They are extremely acute at the skill of taking a known truth and spinning it into a ludicrous conclusion that will cast a dark shadow on anyone at any time.


Paths have the ability to spin any factual data into an amazing story that will breed conspiracy or contempt for any individual at will.

For instance, let’s say that you had a hard day at work all day, due to struggling with an intense ongoing headache. Everyone at work could tell that you were not “on your game” as usual. If you intimated to the Path that you had a headache; that would give them the data that they needed to spin a tale.

The tale may take many shapes and forms, but will be consistent with some of the previous seeds that had been sown against you. For instance, if the Path’s intention was to have you appear to his or her minions that you were a closet illicit drug user, he or she might intimate, “Wow, did you notice that (insert your name) was out of it yesterday? It’s normal to go through withdrawals when you don’t get your fix before you get to work… It’s so sad…”

No matter what you say or do, you cannot prevent the Path from spinning it into a negative story about you that will erode your sense of normalcy.


When the Path has a clue that you are coming to the end of your usefulness in the accomplishment of their goals, he or she ramps up the defamation, usually making it appear that it is you who is beginning to attack them. At this point the Path will appeal to their minions’ sensibilities as they present themselves as the sacrifice, martyr or victim of your psychotic manipulations.

It will become apparent to you when your relationship with the Path is coming to an end, that there has been a definite polarity has taken place. People who were once your friends will drift away… and you will notice a gravitation toward the Path.

Having no internal filter, they will stop at nothing in an effort to humiliate you. They will spout vile accusations, even proclaim you’re mentally ill, if it will support their proclamation that you cannot be trusted or are inherently evil.

Trying to defend yourself is almost pointless. If the Path is quite proficient – as most of them are very accomplished – anything that you say in your defense will appear to be a part of your psychosis and will strengthen all of the groundwork that the Path has laid in preparation of this moment.

Even if the Path’s relationship with the minions begins to dissolve (as it almost always does when the Path moves on in search of new victims and minions), the seeds will always leave a mark in their minds… and as heartbreaking as it may be, in most cases, regardless of the ultimate outcome of the Path’s lifestyle, there may be no hope for recovering the life that you once knew.

Jobs and careers may be lost, friends will turn their backs on you, family members will distance themselves, the people that you once trusted with your most intimate thoughts and feelings will always wonder who you “really were” all the time they knew you.


There is no way to anticipate how long the attacks will take place. In some cases, if the Path is the least bit concerned that you might at some point discredit them or tarnish their appearance or reputation… the attacks will continue. If the Path believes that at any point you could be a threat to their charade, the spinning will not cease. This perceived threat may continue until either of you cease to be.

Many Paths have come right out and made bold, public declarations that they, “will not rest until you are,” locked up, put away, homeless, or dead.


Paths may even go as far as to manipulate the media. In many cases a Path may launch a character assassination media campaign in an effort to make certain that you will have little or no credibility whatsoever. Media campaigns may include radio shows, newspapers, magazines and social media pays quite effectively into their slanderous toolbox.


If you are active in social media, it is not very hard to tap into your network, and start spinning your friends, followers or associates against you as they spin everything you say or do against you.