Mom on-the-run

One day I met a lady, a lovely lady, very charming, had three wonderful children. I soon learned this lady was in a destructive situation with the father of her youngest child. She told me all the gory details which I could relate to and believed she was in a situation with a sociopath.

I instantly offered my support because I believed I could help her get out of the situation and rid herself of her sons destructive father. I encouraged her to go to the police and fight for full custody of her son. She did both!

She got an injunction against him and took him to court and he lost his parental rights and in tern lost all access to his son. I ended up for the next 4 years being a father figure to her 3 children. She apparently was always at work or at business meetings.

I began to feel like a single father of 3 children when in reality I was just a friend of their mum. I picked them up from school, made their dinner, did their homework with them, got them tucked up in bed and then she would roll home. This was 5 days a week and then at weekend 2 of the children went to stay with their father and the 3rd came to stay at mine.

She very rarely saw her children and certainly never spent any quality time with them. This lady said she had her own business within social services, employed numerous people and was some property big wig, I had no reason to doubt her!

Super-psychopath-momAfter time the cracks started to appear, things didnt ring true and it became evident that she was lying to me. Basically she prayed on me when I was very vulnerable and undergoing therapy for post traumatic stress disorder after what I’d been through with my health in the hands of a sociopath. She manipulated me on a totally different level and she functioned very different to my ex partner. The last straw was when I got a phone call off a man she claimed not to be sleeping with but was, he asked me if I was well.

Obviously I questioned why would he be interested in my health. He said my so called friend had told him that I was dying from cancer and had used that to manipulate £5000 out of him. She said she wanted to make the time I had left the best time of my life.

I wasnt surprised to hear this because it became evident to me on other occassions that she lied about her own health and others many times to me before. She even told her own elderly parents that she had cancer. There was a point in my so called friendship with her when I told her about my health and she then went on to say she also had HIV, I never believed her!

I wanted to walk away about 2 years ago but felt responsible for the children, however her 2 daughters have now left home and gone to live with their father because of her lies and destructive behaviour, and fortunately for her son shes now manipulated a very kind lady in to living with her so i know for now the child still there with her will be ok.

My only concern is that she’s lied in a family court and lost an innocent man his parental rights and a wonderful little boy his father.

I feel guilty because I supported her in this because I too believed her lies. I feel its only right to expose her to the court, but dont want to make myself vulnerable. For once in my life I had to put myself first. I just hope she doesnt cause me any trouble now I’ve walked away and cut all ties.

Would really appreciate peoples thoughts.

This story was submitted by a psychopath victim. – Admin