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Religious Psychopaths

I have delayed putting anything “out there” about my religious clients for a long time who have suffered from spiritual abuse from religious psychopaths. This is the most highly confidential and personal work that I do with any individual.

The reason for the delay is because I began my journey in the ministerial sciences. I love the religious components of my spiritual journey and have continued to grow and change without having to abandon my own connection with the Creator(s) and thrive.

When you’ve been victimized by a religious psychopath, something to keep in mind is that just because we’ve used the label of “psychopath” for this type of spiritual predator, drop the need to qualify the diagnosis. Don’t be distracted by the highly educated keepers of the “official diagnosis” (which is often very complicated and can take weeks, if not months, to reach an accurate diagnosis).

Let go of the need to get an official diagnosis and do not be distracted by the “professional” who might dissuade you from taking action until you get an official diagnosis. Just stop.

If you’re a victim of spiritual abuse

Stop it.

Only a psychopath would insist that you stay in a toxic, abusive, and potentially dangerous situation while someone else satisfied their intellectual need to properly qualify a specific diagnosis.

Religious psychopaths are out there, and they are manipulating unwitting victims using religion or “God” as a weapon to subjugate followers to their own twisted ends satisfying their desire to dominate subjects, followers, or members.

They do so by wielding the most effective tools bestowed by The Creator of all that has been, is, and ever will be, but twist and distort the data to create an environment of fear, demanding the full submission of slavery, “or else.”

This god-like power has nearly unlimited potential in the hands of a religious psychopath which can be used for public “good works” to justify their position but can also be used for evil behind closed doors.

The result is spiritual slavery of otherwise healthy individuals who suffer from emotional abuse and a wide variety of traumatic effects which can be debilitating, rendering the victim hopeless, afraid, and trapped (spiritually imprisoned). This is not the work of God, this is

Spiritual Terrorism

If any religious person is committing acts of “evil” under the so-called protection of an ultimate endorsement of “God Almighty,” of you have a problem with referring to such a person as a religious psychopath, forget about that label, and consider him or her a

Toxic Religious Leader

And take action to protect yourself as soon as possible.

Refer to my, “How to Deal with a Psychopath,” and separate yourself from the individual. Do whatever it takes (and trust me, you will not be “struck by lightning” or die). The fear you have of protecting yourself is not real. It has been sewn into the fabric of your consciousness by the psychopath or toxic religious leader.

Seek help, find someone you can trust, join a group, and get yourself to a safe place in your life.

There’s a good chance that your religious psychopath has a team of dedicated followers who will do just about anything to get you back into the toxic prison. Do not fall for their intimidation tactics. This is not the time to negotiate with the psychopath’s team. Separate yourself from them as well. Your chief concern is your personal and spiritual safety.

Your religious or spiritual abuse recovery will not be instantaneous, but removing yourself from your religious psychopath’s prison of abuse is the first step.

Above all, remember this: God is love. In fact, it’s been said, “Love is all you need.”

God loves you, does not desire to enslave you. God wants you to be living your best life, desires to bestow upon you all the gifts and joy that comes from a life lived within God’s grace, free from any terrorism or abuse, spiritual, or otherwise.

Far too many people who have been the victim of spiritual terrorism have turned their back on God, blaming God for the actions of religious psychopaths.

Just because a terrorist commits horrible acts “in the name of God,” does not mean that God has anything to do with the evil acts committed by such a toxic individual who is beyond help. He or she will do whatever they will, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it, but you can get out of their way.

You do not need to participate in their evil plots.

Get yourself free and continue your relationship with God, discover who or what God is for yourself and what that means for you and your life, on your own terms.

Once you have broken free from the chains of the religious psychopath, you can continue your spiritual journey realizing that you now know the difference between religious enslavement and God’s unconditional love, which is the power of all life.

Remember also, unlike what you may have been told previously, you cannot do God wrong.

Then you can continue to grow and expand to achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

Copyright © 2019 David M Masters.

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