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Victims of Psychopaths

If you know a victim of a psychopath, or have been the victim of a psychopath or sociopath, the results can be devastating. Join our Facebook Group

victims-of-psychopaths-usually-do-not-know-until-its-too-latepsychopathvictims.com is a resource for victims to find resources, ask questions, find anwers and share their stories for the benefit of the overall psychopath victims community.

If you area victim of a psychopath or sociopath you may be wondering if your life will ever be the same? Though your life may never return to what it was before being victimized, this site will be helpful in your putting your life back together.

Doing so will allow you to build a new life that could be even better than the life you once knew.




October 19th, Olympia Center

Admittance: FREE

FREE EVENT. Open to all victims of predatory psychopaths, sociopaths, or toxic narcissists. Take control of your life, stop the abuse and victimization. Disarm the predator, get your life back, and heal from the trauma from your psychopathic encounter.

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Schedule of events:

Full Spectrum Victim Recovery

9:00 a.m.

Class Description: If you feel victimized by life, this attitude will continually create more experiences of victimization.

Mark and Lynetta will lead you through 3 interactive exercises to bust the victim game and reclaim your power. When you transcend Victim Games, you become Victorious in your life and begin the new game of empowered creation.

Instructors: Mark Siedler & Lynetta Avery

PTSD Recovery

9:45 AM a.m.

Class Description: We will learn what PTSD is, as well as signs and symptoms of PTSD in adults as well as children. We will explore some positive ways of coping with PTSD and its fears and anxiety.

Instructor: Wendy Lynn Johnson

Dealing with Toxic People

10:30 AM a.m.

Class Description: Toxic people are everywhere, and they’re here to stay. You may not be able to escape them completely, but there are simple tricks that you can use to overcome their toxic behavior. Learn how to come out on top in a confrontational situation without stooping to their level. Take steps to repel psychopaths at every level in your life. And develop the ability to set your life on the right foundation to stand tall above toxicity at every level.

Instructor: Daniel Mark Schwartz

How to Deal with a Psychopath

11:45 a.m.

Class Description: Predatory psychopaths are the most harmful members of society, and fortunately 90% of Americans never encounter the dark side of the psychopath who lives and operates on the dangerous end of the antisocial personality disorder spectrum. Often confused with the narcissistic sociopath, the predatory psychopath will drain the life, finances, and any other resources he or she may access, leaving the victim broken and broke. Early detection with a simple psychopath test, and protecting yourself right now can help.

Instructor: David M Masters


Event Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA 98501

Visit St. Paul’s Free University for more information.

This event qualifies for Continuing Education Units (CEU) for SPFU Alumni.

Welcome users of this online support group… and above all, be assured that you are not worthless, crazy or doomed to a life of suffering. There is hope for us all.

Feel free to share your story, as it may hold the key that will save the life of someone else.